! You found me! The Satellite Seattleite!
The Satellite is currently revolving around the area of Lynchburg, VA, a geosynchronous orbit, so to speak, for the foreseeable future.
So now that you're here...what can you expect to see?
Well, as with all blogs the short answer is...whatever I darn well please! Esp. since, as the realists among us know, this is most likely a public journal that someone may stumble over, not something with tens or hundreds of followers...but for those of you that have tracked it down:
I'm a 30 year old female transplant from Seattle, WA. My husband's an academic, so we moved for his job, not mine (Office worker specializing in Real Estate, dreaming of bigger things). Lynchburg is our second post-Seattle move, with a brief stint in Chicago, IL for two years. I'm a left-handed, socially-liberal, life-long vegetarian, skeptic (Yankee??), (currently unemployed) with a love of geeky stuff, science, knitting, plants (esp. the edible or weird looking ones!), comedy, music, dabbling in cooking and healthy eating, volunteerism, history...etc.
So you can expect to see a little bit about VA, it's history and society and my interactions with it, a recipe or two, links to great stuff I've found, an ongoing personal drama or two (hopefully not THAT many), pro'lly some sustainability stuff and nerd-y goodness!
Welcome! And enjoy the show!